Scrooge & Marley
So proud to say Scrooge & Marley, a feature film I’ve been working on is premiering this month! NoiseFloor handled all post-production audio on this fun twist of a holiday classic. I worked as the supervising sound editor, and had…
So proud to say Scrooge & Marley, a feature film I’ve been working on is premiering this month! NoiseFloor handled all post-production audio on this fun twist of a holiday classic. I worked as the supervising sound editor, and had…
Exciting news! A new TV series I’ve had the pleasure to work on with NoiseFloor premieres next week. (Tuesdays at 10:30/9:30p central, beginning October 16)
Fly-bys and swooshes are a huge part of sound design. While typical library solutions might work, you can’t beat originally created material. For me this is usually done by designing each sound effect individually, and this takes time. You might…
Mike Niederquell has taken the initiative to start putting together free crowd-sourced sound libraries. The basic idea is a new library each month, and anyone who contributes a recording gets access to the that library. Best of all, it’s free!
For the past several months I’ve been working on an audio mod for Valve’s original hit, Portal. In between class and work I spent time recording and designing as many of the games sounds as I could. I’m happy to say…
Hate it or love it, NATO is here in Chicago. While the summit doesn’t start until tomorrow, the expected protests are in full effect. This morning I found out about a march toward Rahm Emanuel’s home in the Ravenswood neighborhood.…
Another big step of my Project Portal mod is complete. Yesterday, I finished replacing all of the delightfully depressing dialogue of the Aperture Science standard-issue floor turret. I hadn’t planned on replacing any dialogue when I started this mod. I…
Ready for another sound effect guessing game? I think I made this one a lot easier than the first, but I’m looking for a specific answer here. Same as last time: Guess the sound and it gets posted for free…
I recorded some freaking sweet thunder last week. Here’s one of my favorites. Careful, this is loud!
[soundcloud url=”″] I’m always amazed at what a little general processing can do for a recording. You might remember me recording various electromagnetic fields a while ago. This sound came from a color changing flashlight you can see in the video.